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Varicose veins research leads to best treatments
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) explained
How much water should you be drinking? BBC Radio Wales
The Whiteley Clinic leads the way in varicose vein surgery
Amazing results from varicose vein surgery
Amazing - spider veins or thread veins are removed by microsclerotherapy
Vulval, vaginal and leg varicose veins treatment - pelvic embolization
James Blunt had varicose veins surgery with Prof Mark Whiteley
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Full profile:
<p>With clinics in London's West End, Guildford and Bristol, <a href="https://www.whiteleyclinics.co.uk/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The Whiteley Clinic</a> offers expert treatment of varicose veins and other venous conditions, including thread veins, leg ulcers, phlebitis, vaginal and vulval varicose veins and haemorrhoids, using the most up-to-date walk in walk out procedures.</p>
<p>All treatment at The Whiteley Clinic is individually tailored to the need of the individual and is based on The Whiteley Protocol®, a standard of excellence aimed at ensuring the UK public has access to the very best treatment for varicose veins and other venous problems.</p>
<p>The Whiteley Clinic is compliant with the NICE guidelines for varicose veins and is rated 'Outstanding' by the Care Quality Commission. Recognised both nationally and internationally for its work and innovation, it has performed over 40,000 minimally invasive 'keyhole' procedures to date and is regarded as a leading international centre for the treatment of pelvic vein reflux.</p>
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