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The following doctors and specialists work at HCA at the Shard - Outpatient & Diagnostic Centre.
Consultant Urological Surgeon
07746... 07746 299 121 Reveal phone no.
Consultant Neurosurgeon
07932... 07932048918 Reveal phone no.
Consultant ENT Surgeon
+4408... +4408454567891 Reveal phone no.
Consultant Urological Surgeon
07746... 07746 299 121 Reveal phone no.
Consultant Neurosurgeon
07932... 07932048918 Reveal phone no.
Consultant ENT Surgeon
+4408... +4408454567891 Reveal phone no.
(0)203 ... (0)203 811 5796 Reveal phone no. >
HCA at the Shard - Outpatient & Diagnostic Centre
The Shard , 32 St Thomas Street , London , SE1 9BS