The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
Psychotic depression is a mental disorder in which clinical depression, which is a difficult enough condition to experience on its own, is combined with psychotic symptoms. This makes things much worse, and explains why psychotic depression affects roughly a quarter of all people who have to be ...
Receding gums is the term used to describe gums that have shrunk back to reveal the lower, normally unexposed and protected part of your teeth. It is a very common problem, but just because it affects a lot of people, that doesn’t make it normal. Left untreated receding gums can continue to ...
A Rectal prolapse is rarely talked about, is embarrassing but it can be effectively treated “As the new owner of a rectal prolapse which would appear at random and stay a few minutes or the whole day, I really worried about what lay ahead. Like caring for a baby, my handbag contained all the ...
Around 1 in 7 couples in the UK experience problems in conceiving quickly and naturally, and an increasing number are turning to in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) infertility treatment to help them to have a baby.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The infectious agent responsible is Treponema pallidum, a type of bacterium. Anyone who comes into direct contact with the bacteria via an open sore, typically during sexual contact, can become infected. Syphilis symptoms can be broken down into ...
Mephedrone addiction is a growing problem associated with chronic use of the drug mephedrone. Not to be confused with the heroin substitute, methadone, mephedrone (also known as 4-methylmethcathinone,
Your tongue is a good indicator of your body’s health, particularly of your digestive system. If you are healthy, your tongue should be moist, fairly smooth and slightly pink in colour. Variations in its normal colour, texture, or size can indicate tongue problems that can indicate an underlying ...
Dementia is a condition where the person affected progressively loses their mental ability and cognitive functions. It usually happens later in life, but some forms can affect people in their 40s and 50s. Dementia symptoms usually start gradually and then worsen relentlessly over time. Symptoms ...
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