The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
From fat reduction to excess skin removal, at The Private Clinic they pride themselves on being experts in the realm of body shaping treatments. At their clinics across the UK they are able to offer a full range of treatments to give patients a more personalised treatment plan that will suit them, ...
If you’ve ever felt like your digestive system was trying to tell you something, you’re probably right. Our tummies talk to us in a language of their own. And if we don’t listen they can become increasingly persistent.
A facelift is a surgical procedure to rejuvenate the face. A facelift procedure consists of lifting and pulling the skin to remove any folds and smooth fine lines and winkles, achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Facelifts or neck lifts are particularly effective on patients who have ...
It is reported that up to 30% of people will be affected by varicose veins in their lifetime and although often the problem is more cosmetic, they can cause pain and suffering to many leading them to seek treatment.
There are many reasons why patients would choose to remove their breast implants but luckily for them there are a wide range of different implant removal options to help them achieve the best results.
What is gynaecomastia? Gynaecomastia is the enlargement of the breast tissue due to excess fat inside the breast glands or excessive production of glandular tissue on the breasts. This condition affects approximately 15% of adult men in the UK. Gynaecomastia can be a result of a hormonal ...
The report from the CQC describes how staff treat patients with "kindness, respect and compassion" and noted the clinic’s "culture of high-quality sustainable care". Staff were recognised as "consistent and proactive in empowering patients and supporting them to manage their own health and ...
It is curious that the path towards cataract removal surgery is often long and slow and yet, when the time comes to meet the surgeon, the process is quick, painless and a true and literal eye opener.
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