Breast uplift patient featured channel 4′s embarrassing bodies

One of The Hospital Group’s breast uplift patients has appeared on the extremely popular television programme Embarrassing Bodies on Channel 4. After having three children, Lyndsay Gomez noticed her breasts had started to droop and researched into having cosmetic surgery. As surgery in the UK was seemingly too expensive, she travelled abroad to have a breast uplift with implants, to cut down on costs, however she was extremely unhappy with the results. Her nipples had been replaced too high, and even started to poke over the top of her bra! This meant she had to selectively choose her outfits and had to constantly manouver her breasts back into place! Her implants also started to cause her pain, and gradually she began to hate her breasts, and loathe looking in the mirror.

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She contacted Embarrassing Bodies as he breasts were causing her a lot of distress and they volunteered to put right. The Hospital Group then stepped in and booked Lyndsay in to see breast surgery expert and cosmetic surgeon Mr Mario Russo. Her consultation went well and Mr Russo explained he would remove her implants, re-do her breast uplift, and correct the shape of her breasts. He then suggested for Lyndsay to have a separate procedure to have her implants put back in.  She is due to have her second procedure in February 2011.

Both Lyndsay and Mr Russo were very pleased with the result so far and Lynday revealed her new breasts for the first time in the episode on Friday 11th February to Dr Pixie. The Hospital Group will then follow her next part of the journey when she has her implants put back in.


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