Bupa International offers 24-hour online chat

Bupa International’s 700,000 members can now enjoy immediate 24-hour, personal access to a customer adviser from wherever they are in the world, thanks to the launch of Webchat.

Webchat provides a live and secure online chat room environment. It has been designed to give customers immediate access to Bupa International advisers who can answer a multitude of queries speedily and follow up on claims.

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Customers can access the service by simply logging into the Members’ World Homepage and registering for a Webchat. They are then connected to an adviser for a two-way online conversation reducing the cost of a telephone call and the time delays that are characteristic of e-mails. The service sits alongside Bupa’s 24-hour emergency contact centre, which will continue to take calls from customers in need of immediate medical attention.

Paula Covey, director of customer services at Bupa International, says:“Webchat removes the barrier of time differences and extends the convenience that the internet already affords to customers, with regards to staying in touch with friends and family. Our expanding base of expatriate customers, located in 190 countries across the world, are used to keeping in touch online and so this service is an example of how Bupa responds to changing markets, customer needs and growing technologies.”

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