Could cosmetic surgery reduce migraine pain?

Cosmetic surgery could serve to alleviate migraines, recent research has suggested. Published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the study looked at 69 patients who had undergone a cosmetic surgery technique used to smooth forehead wrinkles.

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The treatment deactivates muscle and nerve trigger points in the forehead, temple, nose and the back of the neck.

Following the procedure, 60 per cent of patients reported that their headaches had improved.

Furthermore, 29 per cent said that their migraines were completely eliminated.

Lee Tomkins, director of Migraine Action, commented: "This is a very interesting study, and not the first time we have heard of surgical techniques helping migraines that appear to start in the forehead area.

"Anything that helps reduce the pain and misery of migraine is always welcome, but it should be remembered that migraine is a brain disorder and the majority are triggered deep in the brain."

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