Gastric band surgery at Springfield Hospital

It only took one look at Kim's daughters' wedding photos to decide she was obese. She knew she was overweight but she was shocked when she saw herself stood next to her slim beautiful daughter in a picture.

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Kim Pleasant, a Weight Loss Patient at Springfield Hospital, Ramsay Health Care UK shares her story:


It only took one look at Kim's daughters' wedding photos to decide she was obese. She knew she was overweight but she was shocked when she saw herself stood next to her slim beautiful daughter in a picture.


Over the years she had tried various diets and exercise with no success, and after a year researching her condition she decided that gastric band surgery sounded like the only answer. That single picture made her decide she had to take drastic action. Despite her family's concerns and husband Ian trying to persuade her to find another way, the 48-year-old mum of three decided it was her only option. At a shade under 19 stones and a BMI of 43, Kim's weight was killing her. She suffered debilitating arthritis, which was worsened by her obesity.


"Having made up my mind I booked an appointment with my GP however, when I spoke to him about it he didn't’ seem interested. All I wanted was a referral but he just told me to stop eating so much and exercise more," Kim said. "I told him I had tried that for years and it didn't work with me."


By now exasperated Essex girl Kim, from Southend, knew she needed serious help and advice. She booked a consultation at Springfield Hospital in Chelmsford and after doctors were convinced of her dedication to loose weight, she underwent the gastric band surgery last April 2011.


Mr Mike Harvey – Consultant Bariatric surgeon from Springfield Hospital said: “It is not uncommon for GP’s to prefer more traditional answers to obesity such as diet and exercise. It’s often seen as a last resort, however for candidates that fit the criteria it can change their lives and reduce a life time of expenses on the NHS with one procedure.”


Just three months on, Kim had recovered and was starting to live the life she had always wanted having already dropped to just over 15 stone.


Kim said: "I feel fantastic, I have so much energy now, and it is a whole new lease on life,  when I go out people don't even recognise me anymore. It is wonderful."

Although her family was not initially overjoyed with the idea of surgery, the results have changed their minds and they all thoroughly support Kim.


“The operation brought with it the life changes I needed and totally re-educated me when it comes to eating.”


Kim, who works as a credit controller for a law firm in London, said, "I really struggle to eat meat now and I haven't had bread for ages I have had to take everything I have done for the last 48 years and throw it out the window, It's more noticeable when I go out for meals. I have to think, I can't eat what I used to because it will make me feel sick. I used to love barbecues, but we haven't had one this year because I can't eat it. No one wants to make me cook something I can't eat, but I don’t miss it I enjoy being slimmer better"


Kim has also rejoiced in a surprise side affect of the surgery - her arthritis went into remission.


Hayley Smith, Nutritionist said: “It’s very common for patients to overcome diseases that are related to obesity once they start losing weight In this case the weight loss has already sent Kim’s arthritis into remission and as she continues to lose weight her chances of gaining obesity related diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, will continue to shrink.”


Kim said: "I'm so happy because as well as losing weight with the surgery, there came the end of my arthritis," Kim said. "I don't have to go through that daily pain anymore and I get my life back., I could not be happier."

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