Hospital offers €˜incisionless' treatment to GORD sufferers

Leaders in the surgical treatment of‘ Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease’ (GORD), Professor Mike McMahon and Dr Elliot Goodman are the first specialists

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Leaders in the surgical treatment of‘ Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease’ (GORD), Professor Mike McMahon and Dr Elliot Goodman are the first specialists performing the ‘Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) with EsophyX’ procedure, within private healthcare in the UK and is now available at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital.

‘TIF with EsophyX’ is the first ‘incisionless’ reconstructive surgical treatment for people suffering from GORD and works by carrying out surgical repair of the gastro-oesophageal junction.

“’TIF with EsophyX’ can significantly improve the quality of life for patients,” said Professor McMahon. “Many people suffering from this disease are unable to drink carbonated or caffeinated beverages or eat rich foods or fruit without triggering reflux. They also have to sleep sitting upright in order to reduce reflux during the night,” he added.

Clinical trials have shown that as a result of this procedure, most patients can eat and drink foods they have had to avoid for many years and which no longer impacts their life like it did previously.

“Recent studies of ‘TIF with EsophyX’ have shown that the procedure can reduce patients’ dependency on medications - 85% of patients remaining symptom free without  antacids after two years and as a result experiencing a dramatic improvement in their quality of life,” said Dr Goodman.

The transition from open surgery to laparoscopy has been regarded as a major advance in surgery in the last two decades. However, whilst laparoscopy reduces skin incisions, it still involves the same internal incisions and organ dissection as open surgery.

This new procedure now represents the ‘third generation’ of surgery and is a giant advance, avoiding incisions and dissection altogether.  

This procedure is an excellent alternative for millions of British people who have been diagnosed with GORD and who are currently not fully satisfied with their treatment options.

“We are very excited to be able to offer this incredible benefit” added Dr Goodman.

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