Information on areola reduction surgery

Formerly the preserve of the rich and famous, breast surgery is becoming more accepted as women no longer shy away from speaking out about their procedures.

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Formerly the preserve of the rich and famous, breast surgery is becoming more accepted as women no longer shy away from speaking out about their procedures. With greater regulations breast surgery has never been safer however there’s a closely related treatment that is slowly catching up: areola reduction.



The areola is the circular area of pigmented skin surrounding a nipple. In some cases patients feel it is too large or is not an attractive shape. To some this may not sound like a priority treatment but for others it can really boost their confidence. Many people have this procedure to improve how they look in certain clothes, on the beach or simply in their own skin.

This cosmetic treatment is suitable for any adult as long as their areolas are no smaller than about 4.5cm in diameter which tends to be the ideal size and the size we aim for with surgery. This can differ slightly patient to patient. The most common areola shape is circular (or oval) and this procedure can create a more flattering shape for you. Colour can also be a factor, uneven or patchy sections of colour can be eliminated with this surgery.



The treatment itself is relatively straightforward. The surgeon simply removes an agreed portion of the areola to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and smaller shape. This is most commonly a circular area with the skin around it brought inwards to reduce the overall surface area of the areola. A permanent stitch is then attached deep inside the breast to ensure that your final result stays in place. 

Areola reduction can be combined with other treatments if needed, discuss with your surgeon the exact look you are trying to achieve and utilise their medical expertise.



This is a minor procedure and is normally performed under local anaesthetic. So the area will be numb and you shouldn’t feel a thing. It can be performed under general anaesthetic but many surgeons will let you know this is often unnecessary.

After treatment you should maintain sensitivity as normal. The nerve is around the side of the breast, the areola is towards the front and is not as deep into the skin as the nerve.



At The Private Clinic we use only the most advanced methods and technology operated by the highest qualified surgeons. The results are permanent, however as with all treatments our bodies change and over time and due to external factors, there are rare occasions where your final results may alter.  Pregnancy or extreme weight fluctuation may alter the effect of the treatment.

We are always on hand to advise and provide aftercare as needed. Your surgeon will want to see you at least once after the treatment to make sure everything has been successful and that you are happy. During your initial consultation your surgeon will assess how suitable you are and will discuss what is achievable.

Even though this is a simple operation it is still advisable to research the surgeon, treatment and clinic as much as possible.

At The Private Clinic, we have over 30 years of medical cosmetic experience and expertise. We do the groundwork for all our patients and offer you only the most reputable and specialised Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons in the UK. Call 0333-920-9135 if you have any questions or would like to get more information about what you’ve read here.

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