Top Tips for FUE Recovery

Having a hair transplant is exciting, it’s like getting your hair done but better because you’ve actually changed where the hair grows! It is, however, still a medical procedure, albeit a cosmetic one, which requires the same level of care to be taken when following post-operation instructions.  

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Having a hair transplant is exciting, it’s like getting your hair done but better because you’ve actually changed where the hair grows! It is, however, still a medical procedure, albeit a cosmetic one, which requires the same level of care to be taken when following post-operation instructions.  

To get the best out of your treatment and ensure lasting results The Private Clinic have provided a few top tips from their expert medical team. You may be at the initial research stage or you may have one booked in already, either way this is a great guide for you. 

How you treat your hair in the first week is crucial and will determine how well the implanted hairs settle and regrow, and ultimately what result you can expect to achieve. Follicular Unit Extraction is the most cutting edge and minimally invasive Hair Transplant method on the market. Many people are able to go about their usual routine at around five-seven days after treatment as that’s how long it takes for any swollen or red sections of the scalp to dissipate. 

Leave the treated area well alone – You will most likely want to run your hands through your new hairline but it is paramount that you leave it to settle. The hairs have to take root quite literally and any interference will hinder the process. Also avoid headwear, any hats, helmets or caps and do not brush or comb your hair for about a week unless directed differently by your doctor. 

Sleep Upright - Having a hair transplant will likely take a full day so you will be tired and want to go home and sleep. Rest is advised but you will have to alter your positioning whilst recovering. Keep the head elevated to discourage swelling and try and stay as upright as possible in a half seated positon if you can. 

Stop (pause) Exercising - It sounds odd and whilst we do endorse a healthy active lifestyle there is a good reason why this is an important step towards recovery: sweat. You will have many tiny open wounds following treatment and to sweat invites infection to travel to those areas. So do not go to the gym, sauna or steam room for at least a week or ideally until you’re fully healed. Avoid excessive sweating day to day as well where you can, this includes excessively spicy food. Take it easy in general. 

Keep A Clear Head - You will most likely want to go and celebrate your new look with your loved ones but you are not to drink alcohol while recovering as it interferes with your blood. In addition it is best not to smoke for the same reason.

These are great general guidelines however the best advice we can give to ensure swift and safe recovery is to follow the post-op instructions issued by your surgeon. Be sure that you fully understand any medication and/or routines you are asked to take on such as using a spray for example. At The Private Clinic they would invite you back for follow-up consultations and are always available to clarify queries you may have. 

Their priority is you.
The Private Clinic is one of the leading UK clinics for FUE hair transplants. If you have any more questions about Hair Restoration or would like to book a consultation then call 03339209135 or visit their website. 

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