UK's first hernia repair using pioneering new technique

A consultant at Park Hill Hospital has performed the UK's first hernia repair surgery using a pioneering new technique that leaves virtually no scars for patients.

Called Micro-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, it is the latest development in Laparoscopic ‘keyhole’ surgery which allows the surgeon to operate through tiny incisions or cuts in the abdomen, of less than 3mm; up to five times smaller than other standard keyhole surgery procedures.

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A consultant at Park Hill Hospital has performed the UK's first hernia repair surgery using a pioneering new technique that leaves virtually no scars for patients.

Called Micro-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, it is the latest development in Laparoscopic ‘keyhole’ surgery which allows the surgeon to operate through tiny incisions or cuts in the abdomen, of less than 3mm; up to five times smaller than other standard keyhole surgery procedures.

Led by Mr Srinivasan Balchandra, Consultant Upper Gastro Intestinal and Bariatric Surgeon, carried out two hernia repair operations and two gallbladder removals usig the new technique.

Unlike traditional keyhole surgery, Mr Balchandra and his team used specially developed ultra-thin instruments that do not need a ‘port’ to hold them in place during the operation.

He quoted: “We are always striving to improve the experience of our patients and take every opportunity to be involved at the forefront of advances in technology. Laparoscopic surgery has gone on to be the technique of choice for many surgical procedures due to less post-operative pain and early recovery. Micro-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery is next stage in that development.

Being able to operate with precision and accuracy through the tiniest incisions, which leave virtually invisible scars, makes this unique surgical method much better for patients as they experience less pain, faster recovery and are able to go home after the operation on the same day”

Mr Balchandra, who has been collaborating with the company in the development of the micro-incision surgical devices, was given the opportunity to use the instruments ahead of other surgeons in the country.

Hernia repair surgery is usually recommended if the hernia, an internal part of the body usually in the abdomen or groin pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall, causes pain or severe and persistent symptoms.

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