Why choose private healthcare for cancer treatment?


Private healthcare for cancer treatment provides patients with a greater choice over their available options. From choosing where they would like to receive treatment and who they would like treatment from, to advising a preference for receiving a certain treatment. There are many benefits to choosing private healthcare for cancer treatment and deciding whether private healthcare is right for you is dependant on how much control you want to have over your treatment options.

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The benefits of private healthcare

One of the greatest benefits of private healthcare is the facility for closely tailored treatment that is planned around the individual patient’s circumstances. Personalised care makes it easier for patients to see the same team on any further visits and have open communication with their oncologist.

Private healthcare facilities can offer shorter waiting periods for booking appointments to see the oncology team, requesting additional therapies and receiving diagnostic results back. Less waiting time for patients means reduced stress and a faster route from diagnosis to treatment.

Quality facilities and comfort

Private healthcare facilities are there to improve the patient treatment journey with faster access to additional supportive therapies and facilities designed with comfort in mind. Patients receiving cancer treatment in private facilities can make use of dedicated and modern treatment rooms which are often more comfortable and provide additional privacy during their visit.

Additionally, private cancer centres have access to newer, , speciality drugs and advanced, state-of-the-art medical equipment. Not only do patients have a greater choice of their treatment type but they are likely to receive a more efficient or targeted treatment thatmay have less side effects or a reduced number of treatment sessions.

Paying for private healthcare

Private healthcare can be paid for on demand, after each appointment, treatment or therapy or more commonly, covered by private health insurance. Rutherford Cancer Centres currently accept self-pay patients, insured patients and at our South Wales centre, patients on referral under the NHS, for proton beam therapy.

For more information, reach out to the Rutherford Cancer Centres team on 0800 210 0402.

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