5 Things you should know about male breast reduction (gynaecomastia)

What is gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is the enlargement of the breast tissue due to excess fat inside the breast glands or excessive production of glandular tissue on the breasts. This condition affects approximately 15% of adult men in the UK. Gynaecomastia can be a result of a hormonal imbalance, weight gain or due to the use of steroids for bodybuilding. For men, dealing with breast enlargement (gynaecomastia) can have a major impact on their life affecting them emotionally, many finding it challenging and embarrassing.

What are the procedures available to treat gynaecomastia?

Male breast reduction can be performed by a number of different procedures depending on the patient’s needs:

Surgical Liposuction: Is a surgical procedure ideal for patients with larger amounts of fat. This procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and could require a hospital stay.

Vaser Liposuction: Vaser liposuction is a popular procedure for fat removal and body contouring and is ideal to treat gynaecomastia. Vaser Liposuction is a walk-in walk-out procedure performed under local anaesthetic with sedation. The Private Clinic also offers VASER High Definition, a Vaser Liposuction variant able to enhance the definition of  the muscles to achieved a more athletic and sculpted chest.

Micro Liposuction: For patients who don’t have large amounts of excess fat or tissue, Micro Liposuction would be the best treatment. Micro Liposuction targets smaller areas of the body using a smaller cannula to contour and remove the unwanted fat. Micro is performed under local anaesthetic with sedation with no hospital stay.

Will I have scars following male chest reduction surgery?

After male chest reduction prodcedure, patients will experience some scarring which will depend on the type of procedure. Following a Vaser Liposuction or Micro-Lipo procedure patients are left with 3 mm scars around the chest and on the underarm areas. However, there are no stitches required and the scar does fade overtime.  For the more severe cases which require a surgical gynaecomastia, patients may experience scarring around the nipple. For patients who require a large amount of tissue removed, an additional scar will run down the chest. At The Private Clinic, they recommend booking a consultation with one of their world-class surgeons, who will be able to advise on the best treatment for you.

Will I need to wear a compression garment?

After male chest reduction surgery, patients are required to wear compression garments to help control the swelling, stimulate blood flow and to prevent seromas. Your surgeon will advise the length you will be required to wear the compression garment. Typically, patients will need to wear it for a period of 3 weeks all day and thereafter only during the day for another 3 weeks.

When can I exercise after male reduction surgery?

After a gynaecomastia patients are recommended to avoid strenuous exercise, including gym activities, for a period of 6 weeks post procedure to avoid any complication such as hematoma or swelling. Patients are able to do some light cardio or gentle exercises 2 weeks after the procedure.

Patients will be able to start seeing the results after 8-10 weeks; however, full results will take 6 months to appear.

To book a consultation with any of The Private Clinic’s highly acclaimed plastic surgeons, call 03339209135 or contact the clinic via their male chest reduction page on their website at www.theprivateclinic.co.uk.

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