An eye-opening introduction to blepharoplasty

William Shakespeare once said “The Eyes are the windows to your soul” so it seems a little unfair that when you still feel young and vital your eyes are telling a different story. The Private Clinic have a solution; eyelid surgery in on the rise. A blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery option that improves the appearance of the eyes revealing the younger you within. It’s a fairly simple procedure in terms of downtime, but must be carried out by a skilled surgeon as the eye area is so delicate. Usually this is performed for cosmetic reasons as we have collectively become a lot more aware of the premature ageing caused by dropping or sagging eyelids, bags and lines. In some cases there is a medical need to perform this treatment as eyes can become very tired and excess skin or fat around them can even impact vision.

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What is it?

There are three major categories of blepharoplasty:

    An upper blepharoplasty is when the skin or fat from the top eyelid is removed. This can be done under local anaesthetic with minimal downtime as many patients return straight home after treatment.
    A lower blepharoplasty is when fat is removed (or moved) to drastically decrease the appearance of bags and lines underneath the eye. This is potentially a lot more complex and would require a general anaesthetic. Eye bag removal can also be performed as part of this treatment to maximise results.
    A combined blepharoplasty is when both of the above procedures are carried out at the same time. This is a rarer procedure and is not usually necessary for most patients but is the perfect option for some.

The procedure best suited for you will be determined with your surgeon during a consultation. Results tend to be permanent although you will continue to age naturally which will slowly diminish your final result. In many cases the results are so effective that patients do not feel the need to return, but if you would like to maintain you results then anti-wrinkle injections and filler will help you maintain a youthful look. Be sure to raise this with your doctor who can confirm whether you will benefit from this.

How safe is it?

You are right to question this as there is always a risk with treatment so close to your eyes. That is why we cannot stress the importance of research enough. Find a reputable surgeon and clinic as this is not a time for discounts, the last thing you would want to do is risk your health, especially with the eyes. Come to your consultation with as many questions as you’d like to ask.

When performed by an experienced surgeon there is no reason that you wouldn’t fully heal and be very happy with your end result. At The Private Clinic they pride themselves on only working with fully accredited, experienced doctors who have access to the very latest surgical equipment.

They have a thorough vetting process. They also assign you to a patient coordinator who is always on hand to help you with any questions during your time with us. their staff and doctors often build good relationships with patients who are happy to come back and show them their outstanding results!

Am I a suitable candidate?

If you are looking to refresh your look and are concerned about your eye area this may be exactly what you’re looking for. If you have researched the procedure, clinics and surgeons and are certain this is right for you then it is best to have a few consultations before deciding. As with any treatment you can never do too much research. Be sure to ask to see before and after pictures so that you can get a really clear idea of what your surgeon can achieve for you.

They have some of the most experienced and highly qualified doctors working at The Private Clinic. All are accredited with the GMC and our clinics are regularly inspected by the CQC. If you have any questions or would like to book you can check their website or call 03339209135.

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