Health screening introduced by Saga

Saga, the provider of services for the over 50s, has introduced a health screening service that offers an affordable way to access CT (computerised tomography) scans.

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Saga, the provider of services for the over 50s, has introduced a health screening service that offers an affordable way to access CT (computerised tomography) scans.

The Saga MultiScan is a combination of CT scans and blood tests, specifically developed to screen for common conditions affecting those aged 50 and over. This includes osteoporosis, early signs of heart disease and colon cancer, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

The full scan costs £530, substantially cheaper than the £1,000 that the scans and tests would cost if bought separately.

The full scanning regime includes a CT coronary calcium scan, which can detect the presence of coronary heart disease much earlier and much more accurately than any other non invasive method of screening.

Andrew Goodsell, Chief Executive, Saga, said: "It is well documented that as a nation we are living longer, but unfortunately as we get older our risk of developing certain conditions does increase. CT scanning can give us peace of mind and enable us to take actions to improve our life chances."

According to Saga one in three women and one in 12 men aged over 50 suffer from osteoporosis, 99 per cent of coronary heart disease deaths occur amongst the over 45s and approximately 100,000 people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes each year.

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