Are you summer body confident?

As the sun fights its way through the clouds to bless us with a sneak peek of what summer will be like, is it time to dust of those short shorts? The thought of lazy days in the sun, or beachy holidays away, are a dream for some and a nightmare for others. The idea of ‘summer body ready’ feels dated, at The Private Clinic they prefer ‘summer body confident’. If you know you look great and feel good in tighter clothes/showing more skin then own it! For those of us who need a little assistance getting there it’s good to know there are options. Access to healthy eating plans and work-out routines are abundant online and by word of mouth. It’s dull to keep repeating it but your mum was right; beauty starts on the inside. As well as that consultant plastic surgeon Miss Linda Fiumara encourages patients to look after themselves with a healthy active lifestyle to “get the most out of your results”. She finds that cosmetic surgery results are particularly effective on healthier bodies. But what happens when you’re eating a good diet, working out regularly and are still left with frustrating stores of fat in awkward places? You might want to consider a minimally invasive liposuction procedure to help you perfect your ideal shape.

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Vaser liposuction typifies the ‘lunchtime lipo’ trend as it is performed under local anaesthetic so there’s no need for an overnight stay. However, it is not to be taken lightly and still requires you to research and consider that this is a medical procedure. It’s minimally invasive so there’s little by way of marks compared to traditional lipo. It’s a walk-in, walk-out procedure using a small device and ultrasound technology to sculpt your muscles and actually boost collagen!

Any gender can be treated, and specialists use Vaser on most parts of the body with excess fat deposits. At The Private Clinic they perform thousands of these body contouring procedures per year with their doctors performing the most in the UK. They have their own theatres in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol and Leeds and consult nationwide.

Tummy Tuck

If your concern is sagging skin rather than pockets of fat then an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck might be for you. Pregnancy or rapid weight loss is some of the most common causes of sagging skin around the belly. This is obviously not ideal when it comes to your summer wardrobe. With a tummy tuck excess skin is removed and then the area repaired.

A mini tummy tuck works in the same way but only removes the area of skin between your pubic region and belly button rather than the whole tummy area as with a full tuck.


For some ladies wearing figure-hugging tops and bikinis is a great confidence boost, but some are not happy with their breasts. Increasingly this is not just about getting larger breasts but reductions are getting increasingly popular as well. There are so many reasons people would wish to alter their breast shape, not only for aesthetic purposes but for health reasons too.

The Private Clinic can fix tuberous or asymmetrical breasts, and they even do areola reduction and inverted nipple correction. They cater each procedure to each patient and many of these procedures can be done at the same time for ease.

Whatever your concern they can help you feel confident this season. Call 0333 920 9135 to book a consultation or see The Private Clinic's website.

And the ultimate tip for looking your best this summer: SPF! All over. Always.

They work with the most respected and experienced surgeons in the UK ensuring that they can achieve only the best results.

Their motto is: "Our priority is you."

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