Basingstoke clinician in top 10 prostate cancer surgeons

Consultant Urologist Christopher Eden, who practices at BMI The Hampshire Clinic, has been chosen as one of the UK’s top ten outstanding prostate cancer surgeons in a survey conducted by the Daily Mail. The survey, which canvassed 40 leading urologists, asked just one simple question: If your own nearest and dearest required prostate cancer surgery, to whom would you refer them and why?’

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The surgeons named Mr Eden as one of their top 10. In the Daily Mail article that announced the survey result, fellow surgeons said the following of Mr Eden: “[He is] Probably the leader in the field of keyhole radical prostatectomy. He does huge numbers but doesn’t run a conveyor belt and is very dedicated. He strives for the best results and analyses them very carefully. It is easy for a surgeon to remove a prostate and join the bits together and get a reasonable result, but he’s obsessed with getting the best result.”

Mr Eden was deeply flattered by the accolade, and explained the importance of his field. “Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men and yet it is still not discussed widely enough in mainstream circles. This recognition from my peers will hopefully highlight the successful work that both my colleagues and I are undertaking across the UK, and encourage more open discussion amongst men around screening and treatment.”

Philip Oehley, Executive Director of BMI The Hampshire Clinic added: “Prostate cancer surgery is a very complex specialty which not only requires great experience, but also a vast amount of skill to ensure the patient receives the best possible outcomes for their individual case. We are once again delighted that a consultant at BMI The Hampshire Clinichas received national recognition for their work from colleagues in their field, and are very proud to have such consultants at our hospital. This is a fantastic honour for Mr Eden and very much deserved. He is a brilliant surgeon and highly respected by colleagues, staff and patients alike.”

Mr Eden trained at Guy’s and King’s College Hospitals between1980 and 1985. His clinical speciality is minimal access surgery of the urinary tract and he specialises his research in the areas of prostate and kidney cancer. He has published widely and is the author of 57 scientific papers, 7 chapters and 1 book entitled 'Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Surgery'.

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