Calls to hand out the sunshine vitamin

Professor Kefah Mokbel, one of the best breast surgeons in the country, claims taking a daily dose of Vitamin D would reduce the chances of breast cancer at a later stage in life. The cancer expert has written to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt in a call for action, requesting the vitamin be made free and readily available on the NHS.

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He believes this may save 1,000 lives per year.

Professor Mokbel already gives out the 'sunshine vitamin' at his own private clinic, and thinks that there is sufficient evidence to support the motion that every woman have free access to them.

Having already done the math, he has clarified that this would only cost the NHS 12p per woman per day. This is miniscule price to pay if it means that some woman will avoid being diagnosed with breast cancer in the future.

He cites research which has been building over the years on the correlation between Vitamin D and breast cancer.

"It is established science that women who have higher Vitamin D levels have a better chance of beating the disease."

"Studies also show that women with higher Vitamin D levels are significantly less likely to develop breast cancer in the first place."

50,000 women in Britain are diagnosed with breast cancer and the disease claims almost 12,000 lives annually.

Half of Professor Mokbel's private patients are Vitamin D deficient, and a third are severely deficient, and he claims that 1,000 women could be saved every year if the 12p a day vitamin was provided on the NHS

Read the article by The Daily Mail: Top surgeon calls for ALL women to be given Vitamin D to cut breast cancer... as ballet dancers reveal they use pills to keep them strong.

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