Common muscular injuries from shooting

Shooting is a sport that requires a person to maintain a steady position for prolonged and extensive periods of time whether you are clay pigeon, field shooting, hunting, competition shooting. It also depends what shooting is being performed by the individual as the most common shooting performed is handgun, rifle and shotgun. All having effects on the body over time.

When shooting, this requires isometric muscle contractions which if held for a period of time can result in muscle spasm, muscle knots and joint mal-alignments. Also, when someone shoots regularly they will have a preferred side this in itself will cause postural, muscle and bodily alignment issues which all three if not treated with a regular shooter can have more severe outcomes as they age which over time will hinder them in their preferred and chosen sports. The Liverpool Sports Clinic suggest that with regular treatment this can prolong and give the shooter maximal efficiency in their sport for many more years to come.

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Recoil injury from shooting

An example of a chronic problem associated with shooting is the recoil of a gun. Repetitive recoiling causes shoulder, elbow, wrist and back problems and pain. This persistent time in one position, and the one sided nature of shooting positions can cause problems and pain.

There are a number of factors which contribute to MSK pain in shooters, these include, improper gun selection and fit, improper shooting technique, underlying orthopaedic conditions and issues, improper level of physical conditioning.

Gun recoil is the most common issue and problem associated with shooting. It has been speculated in research findings that regular shooters would benefit more from using a more lightweight bullet (shot charge) in front of a modest powder charge.

So, to save your shoulders stick with lighter bullets, instead of constantly using high brass and magnum shells.

For further safety and potential recoil reduction administering a recoil pad to a weapon can have benefits, injury prevention techniques do not just mean around the weapon but equipment the shooter has also. A padded shooting vest can diminish the recoil of a gun over a larger surface area reducing the load the joint and structures around the shoulder takes meaning a happy healthy shoulder.

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