Top 10 tips for considering cosmetic surgery

With new research from Mintel suggesting that half of UK adults would  have cosmetic surgery if they could afford it, clearly cosmetic surgery is still on the up, defying the recession. In fact, The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery provider, has reported a massive 14% increase in enquiries for cosmetic surgery in 2011 so far, with enquiries from men up a staggering 36%.

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With new research from Mintel suggesting that half of UK adults would  have cosmetic surgery if they could afford it, clearly cosmetic surgery is still on the up, defying the recession. In fact, The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery provider, has reported a massive 14% increase in enquiries for cosmetic surgery in 2011 so far, with enquiries from men up a staggering 36%.

This growth is great news for the industry and the economy, but does come with a caution for those considering cosmetic surgery. 

With increasing exposure on TV and in magazines, it’s easy to consider cosmetic surgery as a kind of extreme makeover. 

However, experts warn that any surgery carries a certain amount of risk and those considering it should be fully aware of the complete story before making any decisions – how much pain/discomfort to expect, how long recovery will take and what complications need to be considered.

Mario Russo, one of The Hospital Group’s top Plastic Surgeons who featured on Embarrassing Bodies just last week, gives sensible advice for anyone considering cosmetic surgery.

Top 10 safe surgery tips:

Firstly, ask yourself why you want cosmetic surgery and make sure you are doing it for the right reasons
Choose a reputable and experienced cosmetic surgeon who will discuss the risks of the procedure you are interested in having before you undergo any surgery
Find a surgeon who you feel completely comfortable with and trust. It is important that you feel at ease with the surgeon as they will be with you every step of the procedure, so you need to feel supported before, during and after.
When you meet your surgeon make sure you are prepared. Take a list of questions and ask everything you can think of, including risks, complications, recovery and aftercare. Don’t be afraid to take notes , it’s an important decision that you need to be sure of
If your surgeon refuses to do something, it is for a good reason. Respect and listen to your surgeon, he is thinking what is in your best interest.  If you are still unsure, seek a 2nd opinion
Make sure you’ve done your homework – read all about the procedure in order to be fully informed
Make sure the timing is right. If you have recently experienced stressful, emotional or life-changing events, you may want to avoid surgery until you have recovered emotionally
Be realistic about your expectations. Cosmetic surgery can have an amazing affect on a person’s life, but it may not change other deep rooted body issues
Talk about your surgery with someone.  At The Hospital Group, experienced patient care co-ordinators allow patients to discuss any day to day worries or concerns
Schedule yourself plenty of recovery time. Your body needs time to heal after any surgery, so book some time off and allow yourself to relax
David Ross, CEO at The Hospital Group said: “The Hospital Group perform over 14,000 treatments a year, all of which are done with the utmost care.  As one of the leading cosmetic surgery providers in the UK we pride ourselves on the relationship we build with our patients, ensuring they feel comfortable at all times.

"We recognise that cosmetic surgery is a major decision and we try to give objective advice on the likely outcome of surgery and all aspects of the procedure itself and the recovery.  It is vital that patients are armed with the full picture on which to base an informed decision.

“It is our company mission to provide an excellent patient experience and after care is a very important aspect of this. We therefore provide a lifetime of free aftercare with all our cosmetic surgery procedures.”

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