New laser acne treatment at The Private Clinic

Having acne at any age can result in a real loss of confidence, as well as the risk of developing acne scars for years to come. In the fight against acne at The Private Clinic, they believe they have found the holy grail

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Having acne at any age can result in a real loss of confidence, as well as the risk of developing acne scars for years to come. In the fight against acne at The Private Clinic, they believe they have found the holy grail: a laser known as Regenlite or N-Lite for short. They have achieved life-changing results with this simple piece of machinery. It is known to control active acne levels and in many cases eliminate it.


What is N-Lite?

A yellow light laser that penetrates the skin at the same level as the bacteria that causes acne, triggering the body’s natural healing process. The new skin that ‘grows’ in place of the old is acne free and full of collagen. As with many medical marvels the N-Lite was initially designed for an entirely different purpose. The laser was invented to tackle fine lines and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and for general skin rejuvenation. Practitioners began to notice that patients who had acne near the treated areas were seeing their skin clear dramatically overall. After careful testing they began to realise the N-Lite was the most effective treatment for acne, but to this day you can expect a general improvement in the skin to be a pleasant side effect of the treatment.


Areas The Private Clinic can treat

The face, torso and back are the most common areas for active acne to manifest, however they can consult for other areas if needed. Other skin concerns can also be alleviated with the N-Lite Laser; severe redness, cold sores, warts, veins, rosacea and papercuts may be improved also. The Private Clinic would be more likely to refer you to one of their dermatologists or skin specialists for many of these concerns but they do personalise each treatment plan to your specific needs.


Preparing for treatment

Any preparation needed before treatment is based on a case by case basis, that’s why it’s so important to have a full consultation and discuss all your concerns with your specialist. It is usually advisable to exfoliate before a session to allow the laser to penetrate the superficial layers of skin as easily as possible. In some cases a specialised skincare regime is recommended before or after treatment and best results may be achieved by combining a few treatments. For example, a peel or microdermabrasion session, to clear dead skin in conjunction with the N-Lite, may help alleviate acne faster.

There are a few things to bear in mind. You will need to stop taking aspirin, avoid aloe vera and antihistamines for about a week before and after the session. Vitamin A, Retinol and many other ‘active’ ingredients must not be used for two days. Smoking and drinking is also not advisable for about two hours before or after treatment as it may interfere with results.

As with all laser treatments you must not have been out in the sun: no tans, sunbeds or fake tanning. If you have recently been away somewhere particularly sunny then you will be asked to wait at least six weeks before having a patch test and then coming back in for treatment. This sounds tedious but your safety must be put first and no clinic would want to risk burning or any other kind of skin damage.


What happens during the treatment?

The practitioner will first use a specialised wash to cleanse the area, they will then blot it dry. In some cases a marker may be used to ‘map’ out the treatable area. Your eyes will be covered with goggles designed to block out the light from the laser, and the treatment can begin. Your practitioner will apply the laser to the area in a ‘swiping’ motion usually starting at the lowest area and moving upwards. Once completed the skin might look a little flushed or red and may feel warm, this is perfectly natural and will subside within a short period of time. Your practitioner will apply the necessary products for your skin type which usually includes a good SPF and will run through any steps you need to take to get the best out of your treatment.


Does it hurt?

Most patients report a sort of tingling or prickling feeling, nothing to be concerned about.
As tried and tested as the N-Lite laser treatment is, it can take a few sessions to achieve skin as clear as you’d like it. It is totally dependent on the severity of the acne as well as how vigilant you are with following the advice of the practitioner. But we can say with some confidence that if you are experiencing acne the N-Lite laser is a hugely effective treatment.

Book a consultation with us by calling 0333-920-9135 or you can request a call from our specialist team.

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