An advert featuring a 'cosmaceutical' product has been aired for the first time in the UK. The subject of the commercial is restylane which, although a medical device, is also classified as a cosmaceutical as it falls into both the cosmetic and pharmaceutical brackets.
The non-surgical cosmetic treatment is an injectable dermal filler used to smooth wrinkles which surround the mouth and nose.
"Restylane was the first dermal filler to market over 12 years ago and is now the leading dermal filler worldwide with over nine million treatments performed," commented Colette Skilling, marketing director of restylane's manufacturer Q-Med UK.
"Our press advertising has been very successful over the years, but with research now showing increased consumer dissatisfaction with creams, we believed that the time was right as market leader to take the initiative and be first to television with a clinically proven and credible alternative."
According to Datamonitor, UK consumers already spend more on cosmetic surgery than people in other European countries, and annual spending on the treatment is set to rise from £497 million in 2006 to £1.5 billion by 2011.
The most well-known product in the cosmaceutical field is Allegan's Botox.
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