Priory opens new clinic in Aberdeen

The Priory Group, the UK’s leading provider of acute mental health services, has expanded the services offered in Scotland with the opening of a new clinic in Aberdeen.

The clinic operates from 7 Queens Gardens, Aberdeen, led by consultant psychiatrist Dr Allen Shand, to conduct psychological assessments and therapy services.

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The Priory Group, the UK’s leading provider of acute mental health services, has expanded the services offered in Scotland with the opening of a new clinic in Aberdeen.

The clinic operates from 7 Queens Gardens, Aberdeen, led by consultant psychiatrist Dr Allen Shand, to conduct psychological assessments and therapy services.

Increasing demand for assessment and treatment from the Aberdeen and Inverness areas has led to the opening of the new clinic. It offers assessments, therapy, counselling and advice to overcome a range of mental health issues including addictions, depression, anxiety and stress.

Patients requiring in-patient or more intensive treatment can take advantage of the facilities at the Priory Hospital Glasgow.

Marco Bannerman, hospital director at the Priory Hospital Glasgow said: “We have received an increasing number of enquiries from the North of Scotland and have responded to this by bringing our expertise to Aberdeen.

“The mental pressures caused by the current economic climate are causing more people to seek psychiatric help and this trend has played a part in the need for The Priory Group to extend its services. Dr Shand will be supported by a team of therapists to offer assessment and treatment for patients with a range of differing mental health needs.”

Aberdeen is well-known as a centre for the oil industry. The number of jobs created by the oil and energy industry in and around Aberdeen has been estimated at half a million. Many of these jobs bring particular stresses, which can affect the mental wellbeing of workers.

Mr Bannerman added: “Since the 1970s the oil industry has become very important in Aberdeen. The UK offshore industry alone employs more than 20,000 people, who are exposed to a range of occupational health risks. Occupational health is about protecting the physical and mental health of workers and ensuring their welfare.

“We understand that many workers in the oil sector have particular stresses in their working lives. The offshore environment is potentially stressful because the workforce lives and works in one restricted location for a significant period of time without a break. Life offshore has been described as dangerous, arduous and socially isolating; the environment is characterised by constant noise and activity.

“This lifestyle brings with it many challenges, which can affect a worker’s mental health. The expertise at the Priory Aberdeen is well equipped to assess and treat workers in the oil sector.”

Dr Shand said: “There is a growing recognition that statistically 1 in 4 people in Scotland will experience a mental health problem in our lives. This expansion will enable us to meet the needs of people in the Aberdeen area and further afield much more effectively.”

He added: “Patients are often referred direct from their GP but can also self refer in the first instance. We would encourage anyone who feels that they may have an emotional problem or has worries about their psychological health to initially visit their GP and seek a referral for an assessment in the clinic.”

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