Pressure to stay young fuels rise in face lifts

It’s hard not to feel the social pressure to stay looking younger for longer… How you look directly influences what people think about you in every walk of life.

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It’s hard not to feel the social pressure to stay looking younger for longer…  How you look directly influences what people think about you in every walk of life. 

Looking younger is therefore a real concern for those wanting to make a good impression in the workplace.  Equally, holding back the years is important out of work – for those embarking on relationships for example, or wanting to look good for an existing partner. 

Top tips for looking younger include:

Stop or reduce smoking
Good skin care regime, including moisturiser for women and men!
Sensible diet including fruit/veg
Minimal exposure to the sun
Drink plenty of water and reduce caffeine
However, ageing is a natural process and for many there comes a point where no amount of cream or sensible care can turn back time. 

Perhaps that’s why BAAPs (the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) has just released figures showing a 12% increase in face lifts for 2010, with more women and men opting to have the procedure to lift back the loose skin to reveal a smoother, fresher facial profile. 

David Ross, CEO of leading cosmetic surgery providers The Hospital Group, commented: “These figures come as no surprise to us at The Hospital Group.  We’ve seen more than 50% more enquiries for facelifts in 2011 so far, so clearly it is an area of huge interest to our patients.

"The face lift has been a widely accepted option in the USA for many years for turning back the clock and the UK is now following that trend. 

"In America, the trend is for patients to want quite “noticeable” face lifts that dramatically erase lines and rejuvenate the face. 

"However, in the UK, our patients more often reject any suggestion of the “wind tunnel” face lift and request something natural looking and subtle, yet effective.  It is important to agree with your surgeon exactly what look you are trying to achieve and to understand what result you should expect.

"Our surgeons have extensive experience in facial rejuvenation surgery and can provide confidential advice in our network of 20+ clinics around the UK.”


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