Colonoscopy by an extremely capable gastroenterologist

By Devinder Singh Bansi on 21 July 2022

I am writing to thank you very much for you excellent care over the past 12 months. I was referred to you by Dr. Nabli at BUPA after I mentioned to him that I had some symptoms which he wanted you to investigate (blood in stool). At the time I thought it seemed almost unnecessary as I was sure everything was fine and thought that it must just be from haemorrhoids. However, as it later turned out, I had multiple polyps (some potentially dangerous) and today I feel very grateful that I was referred to you.

Once referred to you, and throughout my treatment so far (3 colonoscopies with multiple polyps removed), I have always felt like I was receiving the highest possible level of care. You have taken no chances and made sure that you have done everything possible to remove all the polyps in my Colon. You are clearly an extremely talented and capable gastroenterologist and I am very happy I was referred to you. 

My family and I are extremely grateful to you - I do not want to think about what could have happened if I had not received this level of care and attention from you..the worst case scenario is quite scary. 

I wish you continued success in your career, and again a big Thank You. 

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