Ali Kubba

Consultant Gynaecologist

, London

020 7... Reveal phone no. >

Mr Kubba undertakes medico-legal work including expert witness roles.

Medico-legal testimonial

"I am sure you will be really pleased to know that the judge dismissed the claim against XXXXX
A few snippets that you may be interested to know: 

  • Ali was commended for his expertise and his report was quoted throughout the judgement, in particular, relating to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Was described as “impressive and unshakeable experts”

As you both know, this has been immensely draining for Dr XXXX and I was very pleased that not only was her evidence preferred over the Claimant but that she was praised for being a “conscientious and careful doctor”.
It has been an absolute pleasure in working with you both and taking this case to trial."


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