The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
If you’re looking to travel, for business or pleasure, then it’s best to plan ahead as you may require travel vaccinations.
Professor Stergios K. Doumouchtsis MSc, MPH, PhD, MRCOG Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Subspecialist Urogynaecologist at Ashtead Hospital in Surrey
The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) has published the first of a series of performance measures intended to improve the availability of information to patients considering private healthcare services and start to bring standards of data quality and transparency in line with the NHS.
Paul Haslam is an experienced consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon who practices at The Coriel Clinic in Doncaster. He specialises in treating wide range of knee conditions. Watch Mr Haslam discuss what causes anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) damage, and why ACL reconstruction surgery is ...
Paul Haslam is an experienced consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon who practices at Park Hill Hospital, Doncaster. Mr Haslam discusses how a total knee replacement works, and offers pre and post surgery advice for patients who require this procedure.
It only took one look at Kim's daughters' wedding photos to decide she was obese. She knew she was overweight but she was shocked when she saw herself stood next to her slim beautiful daughter in a picture.
The team at Spire Southampton Hospital has successfully completed its 100th chemosaturation therapy procedure.
It is well reported that regular screening ensures that we can catch cancer in its early stages. This means that the cancer is usually smaller, less advanced and in consequence the treatment can be less invasive and more successful. The UK bowel screening service offers two types of bowel cancer ...
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