The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
Having a hair transplant is exciting, it’s like getting your hair done but better because you’ve actually changed where the hair grows! It is, however, still a medical procedure, albeit a cosmetic one, which requires the same level of care to be taken when following post-operation instructions. ...
William Shakespeare once said “The Eyes are the windows to your soul” so it seems a little unfair that when you still feel young and vital your eyes are telling a different story. The Private Clinic have a solution; eyelid surgery in on the rise. A blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery option ...
The hospital was established in 1904 by the Sisters of the Daughters of the Cross, who treated children and their families, all funded by the patients who paid for their healthcare according to their means.
We all know the feeling, sweaty palms, dry mouth, heart beating – the signs of ‘nerves’. Perhaps before a presentation, an interview or an important meeting. ‘Nerves’ or stress affect us all, a little pressure can be good, making us more alert and responsive, but too much leads to ...
Having acne at any age can result in a real loss of confidence, as well as the risk of developing acne scars for years to come. In the fight against acne at The Private Clinic, they believe they have found the holy grail
Formerly the preserve of the rich and famous, breast surgery is becoming more accepted as women no longer shy away from speaking out about their procedures.
Here at The Private Clinic we specialise in minimally invasive treatments with as little downtime as possible. We use the most advanced equipment in the industry operated only by leading surgeons, however there is still some downtime and there are steps you can take to ensure that you get the best ...
28-year-old Kyla decided to have VASER Lipo on here abdomen, waist, hips, inner & outer thighs, saddle bags and chin. Kyla's story will be familiar to many. She was a size 14, led an active lifestyle and her job as a beauty spa manager meant she took great pride in her appearance. She grew up in ...
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