The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
BMI Ross Hall Hospital in Glasgow will be taking part in the British Heart Foundation’s National Heart Month on Thursday 24 February by offering free blood pressure tests and healthy heart advice to staff and customers of Braehead Shopping Centre. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness and ...
With new research from Mintel suggesting that half of UK adults would have cosmetic surgery if they could afford it, clearly cosmetic surgery is still on the up, defying the recession. In fact, The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery provider, has reported a massive 14% increase in ...
It’s hard not to feel the social pressure to stay looking younger for longer… How you look directly influences what people think about you in every walk of life.
One of The Hospital Group’s breast uplift patients has appeared on the extremely popular television programme Embarrassing Bodies on Channel 4. After having three children, Lyndsay Gomez noticed her breasts had started to droop and researched into having cosmetic surgery. As surgery in the UK ...
A new minimally invasive treatment for patients with aortic valve stenosis, a form of valvular heart disease, could provide hope for patients who are categorised as too high-risk for conventional open heart surgery. The new treatment, transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Cosmetic surgery could serve to alleviate migraines, recent research has suggested. Published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the study looked at 69 patients who had undergone a cosmetic surgery technique used to smooth forehead wrinkles.
Staff at BMI Ross Hall Hospital in Glasgow have been involved in a number of awareness and fundraising activities to generating awareness and vital funds for the charity Beating Bowel Cancer’s 2011 ‘BE LOUD BE CLEAR’ campaign. Fronted by former England Rugby captain Matt Dawson, theinitiative ...
Consultant Urologist Christopher Eden, who practices at BMI The Hampshire Clinic, has been chosen as one of the UK’s top ten outstanding prostate cancer surgeons in a survey conducted by the Daily Mail. The survey, which canvassed 40 leading urologists, asked just one simple question: If your own ...
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