The Doctors' Digest is an exclusive resource of news and articles from doctors and specialists to help patients simplify their healthcare options.
Prior to seeing Mr Jennings I was under a local NHS hospital for a fractured shoulder and an extremely painful knee which I was told was not fractured. When it was still very painful 6 weeks after, I decided to see Mr Jennings privately.
Trigger point therapy is a massage technique used by Liverpool Sports Clinic, that is used widely by therapists as a manual therapy technique and treatment option to restore muscle functioning, fix spasm, activate muscles how they should, relax overreacting musculature.
I am writing to thank you very much for you excellent care over the past 12 months. I was referred to you by Dr. Nabli at BUPA after I mentioned to him that I had some symptoms which he wanted you to investigate (blood in stool). At the time I thought it seemed almost unnecessary as I was sure ...
A patient with tremor has successfully undergone a pioneering form of deep brain lesioning surgery at The London Clinic.
Bupa International’s 700,000 members can now enjoy immediate 24-hour, personal access to a customer adviser from wherever they are in the world, thanks to the launch of Webchat. Webchat provides a live and secure online chat room environment. It has been designed to give customers immediate ...
A Birmingham man who underwent two hip replacement operations in just seven weeks says his ‘dream came true’ when he took his wife dancing while on a cruise to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Less than a year earlier Don Bowden had almost been unable to walk or even dress himself as the ...
The London Clinic’s first sponsored study will aim to improve hydrocortisone injection options for patients with Addison’s disease.
Hair Transplant procedures are often performed over 1-2 days depending on the severity of hair loss but you may not be able to see results until at least 3, 6 or even 12 months post-procedure.
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