Considering private general surgery? At, we have over 20 years' experience matching patients with private general surgeons, hospitals and clinics. Whether you need gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, bowel surgery, weight loss surgery, or another general surgery procedure, we have options to compare profiles, do your research or get on...
Considering private general surgery? At, we have over 20 years' experience matching patients with private general surgeons, hospitals and clinics. Whether you need gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, bowel surgery, weight loss surgery, or another general surgery procedure, we have options to compare profiles, do your research or get on the Fast Track to treatment.
Considering private general surgery? At, we have over 20 years' experience matching patients with private general surgeons, hospitals and clinics. Whether you need gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, bowel surgery, weight loss surgery, or another general surgery procedure, we have options to compare profiles, do your research or get on the Fast Track to treatment.
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Consultant Professor of Gastroenterology and Biophotonics
020 7... 020 7183 7965 Reveal phone no.
Consultant ENT Surgeon
020 8... 020 8950 9090 (Bushey)/01582 763191 (Harpenden) Reveal phone no.
Private Dermatologist and Skin Cancer Specialist
0333 ... 0333 363 8184 Reveal phone no.
Consultant Physician (Obesity, Diabetes & Endocrinology)
0208 ... 0208 903 4819 / 01274 739039 Reveal phone no.
Chesterfield, S43 4XE
01246... 01246 941334 Reveal phone no.
Bristol, BS16 7FH
01174... 01174 538394 Reveal phone no.
Wilmslow, SK9 1NY
020 3... 020 3131 6455 Reveal phone no.
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