The cost of a private sigmoidoscopy without health insurance typically costs £3,027 at a private hospital or clinic in the UK, although costs range from £1,175 to £3,920. At, you can compare prices or get a quote for a private sigmoidoscopy. We have over 20 years' experience helping people to make the right choice about private healthcare so why not get on the Fast Track now.

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What is included in the price?

In most cases, the following is included in the price, but you should double check exactly what is included:

    All medical and nursing care during your procedure
    Hospital fees
    Any drugs that you need while in the hospital
    Surgeon or consultant fees

The price is normally payable on or before admission to the hospital.

Is my private sigmoidoscopy covered by insurance?

If you have health or private medical insurance, you are likely covered for this operation – you should check with your insurer and get a claim authorised before booking an appointment with a private endoscopist.

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  • They respond with advice or a quote
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LaingBuisson is the chosen provider of independent sector healthcare market data
to the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics.